October 20, 2020
Interview Published by AWS Institute

AWS Institute Virtual Video Panel: Building Cloud Skills and Jobs in Rural America

Industry experts dispels myths about rural communities and share solutions to bridge the rural urban skills gap

AWS Partner AmazonAccording to the McKinsey Global Institute, by 2030 most of the United States’ economic and employment growth will be generated by 30% of the population, living, and working in 25 mega regions.

At the same time, in the high-growth tech sectors, employers cannot find enough skilled urban employees to fill available jobs.

Paradoxically, nearly 25% of Americans live in rural areas where jobs are disappearing in industries such as manufacturing and agriculture. Is migration from rural areas to mega-cities the only solutions? Do rural workers have the skills needed to transition to tech sector jobs?

In this AWS Institute Virtual Video Panel, Laura Dawson, Director at AWS Institute hosts the discussion with industry experts, Brendan Walsh, SVP of 1901 Group and Tejas Vashi, Global Leader of AWS re/Start, about how to build cloud-technology skills and employment in America’s rural communities.

The panel also share what educators, employers, and public officials can do next to address the growing and expanding skills gap.

Watch the AWS Institute Virtual Video Panel here.



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