November 1, 2020

Improving Services for Veterans Starts with IT Innovation

National Security Posture Starts with Digital TransformationAs we recognize National Veterans and Military Month this year, we pause to honor those who served our Nation in uniform. This month sets a reminder for agencies to consider how to innovate their IT services to better serve Veterans and their families so they can easily access high-quality care and benefits.

1901 Group thought leaders share their insight on driving innovation during this time:

“As leaders in enterprise manages services, we understand how critical it is to access information on demand in a secure cloud computing environment. We applaud The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as they are moving more and more toward a managed services approach for their core compute and storage, leveraging hyperconverged technologies and platforms. This not only ensures stable technology platforms but enables the VA to scale as needed in a standardized fashion, which will ultimately support Veterans and their families.” – Zach Orchant, Director of Business Development for the Homeland Security Market of 1901 Group

“With the impact of COVID-19, there is a renewed sense of urgency to accelerate automation and to deliver a more seamless and improved customer experience for citizens. As a leader in enterprise-wide IT delivery services, we see more agencies leveraging innovative services like “as a service” models and adopting DevSecOps principles to drive operational efficiency and security as part of their IT modernization goals. We support the effort VA is making in leveraging these streamlined enterprise-wide methods as they will bring greater opportunities to support Veterans with the resources they need, no matter where they are located.” – Paul Wilkinson, EVP Business Development of 1901 Group


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